Volum IV - Issue 1 --  March 11 - April 7, 1999


A column devoted to jump swing, rockabilly, blues, surf instrumentals, and other vintage styles that keep you in motion

by Dave Leucinger

Ah, spring. In between the late-season snowstorms, clubs are getting a flurry of shows - here's a run-through of some great music coming your way...

R.L. Burnside w/ Elmo Williams & Hezekiah Early at the Crystal Corner Bar, Madison, 3/19; and the First Avenue, Minneapolis, 3/22: Enigmatic might be the only appropriate classification for the Mississippi Hill Country guitarist "Discovered" in his sixties as a earthy blues player, subsequent collaboration with Jon Spencer seems to have unleashed decades of pent-up creativity. But the results of his enthusiasm are uneven at times, as evidenced in his sample-heavy Come On In album on Fat Possum. More traditional are Williams and Early - but scrappers nevertheless.

Joanna Connor at Ike's Pub, Pewaukee, 3/20; and the Harmony Bar, Madison, 3/26: Before Susan Tedeschi and Sue Foley, Joanna Connor was the big-ticket female blues guitarist, thanks to mentoring from Luther Allison. Her longevity testifies to her assimilation in the "old boys club," and to her solid work as a guitarist and songwriter.

Jimmy Burns at the UW Rathskeller, 3/26: Bluesmen on every corner of Chicago are "long overdue for recognition." Fortunately, Burns is beginning to achieve some acclaim for recent Delmark releases; his technique is rooted in the fading echoes of the '50s.

Dale Watson at the Club Tavern, Madison, 3/26 & 27; Automatic Slim's, Neenah, 3/29; and Lee's Liquor Lounge, Minneapolis, 3/28: Two decades ago, truck drivin' songs were the campy stuff of K-Tel mail orders. It took this Texan to put the testosterone back in the blend of diesel and caffeine. Surprisingly, he switched rigs from the Hightone label to Koch for last year's The Truckin' Session album.

Big Sandy and His Fly-Rite Boys at Automatic Slim's, 3/28; with the Iguanas at First Avenue, 3/29: I've been in love with this group since first hearing them at South By Southwest in '93 (or was it '92?) Through the years, they've gone through rockabilly, western swing, and recent side projects of classic country insrumentals and west coast doo-wop. Freshly energized from this sabbaticals, look for plenty of skirt-twirlin' fun

Big James Montgomery & the Chicago Playboys at the Up & Under, 4/10: This funky blues band is comprised of some of the top horn players in Chicago - or anywhere, for that matter. If you don't believe me, believe Otis Rush and Buddy Guy - both of whom drew help from the Playboys for recent projects.
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