Volum IV - Issue 1 --  March 11 - April 7, 1999


Hey Everybody!!
This issue, in case you haven't noticed, is a special issue. This the first issue of volume IV, which if you haven't guessed by now means that we're THREE YEARS OLD.
With that Three years we've also grown 16,500 copies....and 20,000 is just around the corner as more and more people read  Maximum Ink!! (not to mention the thousands per month that hit our website at

....and don't forget to keep your eye on our website as it changes and grows every month!! You can keep up on the site by signing up for the WEBPAGE UPDATER EMAIL LIST. Just got to the bottom of every page on our website and there is a link to the form.

....also on our web page is a print schedule and advertising rates and specs for all of those potential Max Ink Advertisers.

....Special congratulations to our senior writer PAUL GARGANO, who in his other life has  been promoted to Executive Editor of METAL EDGE magazine. Pick one up!

....a special congratulations to TODD WINGER (Last Crack, Magic 7) I heard ya have a new one
on the way!!
...a special welcome  to Isthmus/Madison Mag writer Dave Kulczyk!! Thanx for the last minute interview  with SMHAG!

...and happy birthday to Elizabeth, she just turned 10 Months old....and already made the cover!

...and Finally, Thanx to all the advertisers who believed in us, and got us to where we are. We will continue to improve this paper and its resources and continue to help shape the Wisconsin and surrounding area's music scene grow!!

Rokker, Publisher - Maximum Ink

Rokker, Publisher of Maximum Ink

Rokker, Publisher of Maximum Ink

Rokker's Daughter Elizabeth as she might look on the cover of Maximum Ink

Rokker's Daughter ELIZABETH. On the cover and only 10months old!! Publisher of Maximum Ink
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